Tag Archives: wacom fail


Asking for advice/help  :)

I have to make a new site for P O N O R. Can’t use WordPress.com anymore, as you can’t sell

and are not supposed to advertise for sale here. What To Do?  Should I make a

completely new P O N O R?  Or should I get an own domain and add

this blog?  I’ve never made a site completely from scratch

before…I have tried to,  but everything looked

really bad.  What’s needed is a completely

simple site.. .White with my name,

in pale grey, largish type

and a big wide

space for




I like to post BIG pictures :) Can anyone suggest the best way to go with this please?  Oh, And I’ll need something like Paypal so’s I can offer stuff for sale. (Feeling pathetic)


Also, my WACOM tablet has made a bid for artistic freedom and is making wobbly arabesques, when I want it to do straight lines…Grr….. Feeling a bit overwhelmed  = (